
Consciousness Rising is a non governmental organisation based in Belgium.
It is a platform for Conscious Living, Emotional Awareness and Holistic Healing.

Our vision is to raise the Consciousness of our Western society and reconnect to the wisdom of our emotions . We envision a future for humanity in which the inseparable unity of emotions and physiology in human development and throughout life in health and illness is part of the basic understanding of every human being. We envision a future in which we recognise us humans as part of nature and realise that by destroying nature, we are destroying ourselves and by regenerating mother earth, we are regenerating ourselves.

Our mission is to create platforms and spaces for learning, emotional healing, personal growth, self-expression and regenerating ecosystems, thereby offering opportunities that allow for a deeper knowledge of who we really are and offer a more authentic connection with others and with nature.

‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’
– Margaret Mead’s’

Current Project

The Gift Of Life Tarot for Emotional Awareness and to raise money for a regenerative project. Created by photographer Alice Smeets, this 78-card deck features real life scenes from real people from all around the earth in world class documentary style photos (Some of these photos even won international photo-awards). None of the photos were staged, these are decisive moments captured in daily life scenes, different religious practises and rituals or festivities. The 78 photo-cards are rooted in classical tarot interpretations that delve into the mystical occurrences and stories from different countries of our earth such as Haiti, India, Panama, The United States, The UK and more. 80% of the funds raised will go towards regenerative projects to heal the wounds we humans inflicted on mother earth.

“Not the world, not what’s outside of us, but what we hold inside
traps us. We may not be responsible for the world that created our
minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we
create our world.”
― Gabor Maté